Friday, July 11, 2008

An Empty Vessel

What does it mean to be an empty vessel??? This is something that has been weighing very heavy on my heart. Do we empty ourselves completely of everything that is us to become all of him. It is so hard to know where the line is drawn in truly emptying yourself. Sometimes i think it is finding the place where you are so much in tune with God that is becomes like you are one with him. I feel like i am talking in circles sometimes. It has been so long since i have written on here. This question that i have asked has puzzled me so much. I think so many times we can lost in the busyness of being saved, that we really forget why we got saved in the first place. To quote a famous song" I once was lost but now i am found was blind but now i see" Do you remember what it felt like the very first time you gave your life to Jesus. I remember this peace filling my whole body. Not just any peace, a peace like no other. I think if we are staying in touch with God and staying focused that peace should always be there. We lose it when we try to control what is going on around us. I am gonna get a little personal with myself. I lose it alot, i find myself rehearsing over and over what someone said or did wrong to me. Trying to figure out why they should be in the position they are in and still able to treat people like they do. Crazy but it is like i am a hen pecker, i peck the situation until every little seed is gone. Stupid i know and i guess today i kind of had a revelation. Jesus wants me to be with him and all that peckin is keeping my focus on them not him. Sounds childish i know but i think one of the worst areas the church falls short in is to much peckin and not enough lovin..... for lack of a better way to put it. I want to walk in to my church and feel that peace and love i felt the first day i gave my life to God. That warm fuzzy feeling you feel when you truly experience the holy spirit for the first time. I know that we can't always have the fuzzies but the concept is what i am looking for the concept that i am completely in tune and the church is completely in tune with God that we stop peckin and start doin. Start sharing his love, start lovin past the hurts and appearance, start helpin even though it may require us to give a little more than we want. Is the church really that far gone that we have forgotten how to love? I am repenting to God right now because i have been a pecker( wow that sounds bad) and i want to keep my seed to sow into someone not peck it all away............